
Twister Foam Cleaning Cannon

SKU: TWST-25-0024-00
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  • Regular price $75.60
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Cleaning your Twister just got SUPER EASY with the Twister Foam Gun. Load this puppy up with "Simple Green(tm)" (or similar), connect it to your pressure washer that's it. Blast your Twister with a nice even coat of foam, let it sit for 5 minutes and repeat 2-3 times. Material comes off like butter..
When used with Simple Green(tm) or other resin-type cleaner, the foam gun mixes with hot water from your pressure washer to create a foamy layer on your Twister unit that allows resiny material to breakdown evenly. Repeating 2-3 times over a short period of time will help break down even the toughest material build-up on your unit.

Bottle: 1 liter
Rated pressure: 2900PSI
Max flow: 20L / Minute
Max temperature: 60C - 140F
Nozzle aperture: 1.25
Part Number: 25-0024-00