Hydro Organics / Earth Juice

Earth Juice Just For Coir, Grow Part A

SKU: HOH36902
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  • Regular price $10.78
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Earth Juice “Just For Coir” Grow is a Next Generation Professional 2 Part, Part A & B, Hydroponic Specialty Plant Food specifically developed for use with all grades of Coconut Coir and Coir-based media (soils).

Just For Coir has been meticulously developed to improved and maximize the performance of plants growing in the very popular coconut -coir and coir based media.

Just For Coir Grow A & B combined will promote vigorous and robust stem and leaf growth of plants growing in coir.

Just For Coir Grow, being true to it’s name, is the ideal choice for those who prefer to grow in Coir and want the high performance expected from the makers of Earth Juice.

The bottles come with easy to follow directions and feeding charts in English, Spanish and French.

The 2 parts, A& B, are required to produce a complete coir-hydroponic feeding solution.